Our vision is to live in a world that offers an easy and affordable sustainable alternative to what we need for a decent living.
It should be easy to lead a sustainable and full life without choosing between planet-responsible products and more convenient solutions. When I started Kiwano Marketing, my goal was to ease the transition towards a more environment and community-driven society.
Today, we take one more step in that direction: we’ve become carbon-negative.
We’re happy to announce our partnership with the CarbonFund. The CarbonFund is leading the fight against climate change, making it easy and affordable for any individual, business, or organization to reduce & offset their climate impact and hasten the transition to a clean energy future.
Going carbon-negative: our environmental commitment
Our commitment to the environment is Kiwano’s raison d’être and one of the pillars of our operations.
We run a paperless office, and our web hosting – also a Carbonfund.org member – is powered by 100% renewable energy. We walk, bike and use public transport. When we must drive or fly, we offset our carbon emissions. If printing for our clients is necessary, we use sustainable ink and eco-fonts, saving up to 25% in the printing process
Local partners, committed
Our partner network is as dedicated to the environment as we are, complementing our services, so our clients have the very best marketing services at a minimal cost for the planet.
For instance, our local partners provide our customers with recycled and post-consumer materials printed with certified vegetable ink.
We have also partnered with environmental consultants shall our clients want to further adapt their operations to minimize a negative impact on the environment.
Planet and people are getting at the root of what businesses do. clients expect nothing less from their favorite brands.
Our social commitment:
As a local community service provider, Kiwano Marketing is dedicated to promoting local businesses. We aim to empower our community’s prosperity, strengthen local ties, and enable the efficient use of resources. By partnering with local, sustainable businesses, we ensure that the money invested by our clients stays within the community. Our services are, whenever possible, designed and produced locally.We also participate in various community and reforestation events throughout the year, and have volunteered with the Canadian Cancer Society, Metro Vancouver, Stanley Park Ecology Society, ReFood, Plantar 1 Árvore, and Família Solidária, including raising funds and food for families in need.
Wrapping up
When we started our operations in 2009, only a handful of organizations had environment-first policies. Now, we see that planet and people are getting at the root of what businesses do – clients expect nothing less from their favorite brands.Organizations such as CarbonFund play a critical role in this shift. At Kiwano, we will continue propelling this movement, and hope to continue inspiring further generations to build a better future.